Politeísmo Benefit Enamel Pin


A world that fits many worlds say the people from the south.
Let anyone believe anything they want without stepping on other peoples worlds.
Add to your order for no extra shipping. If ordered by it self shipping is extra 5 USD.

2 cm (0.78 inches) enamel pin.

50% of the benefits will go to get food and housing for migrants via the organization La 72 in Tabasco, Mexico.

More info: https://la72.org/


Un mundo que quepan muchos mundos dicen los del sur.
Que cada quien crea lo que quiera creer sin pisar a nadie.
Añádelo sin costo extra de envió a tu orden. Si lo pides solo, el envío cuesta 5 USD extra.

Pin de 2 cm de diametro.

50% de los beneficios van a comida para migrante via La 72 en Tacasco, Mexico.

Mas info: https://la72.org/

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